Camp Liberty

Those who make peaceful protest impossible make violent revolution inevitable.

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Location: The People's Revolutionary, Democracy of America

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Origin of Camp Liberty

In my deep concern and festering anxiety about the rapid decay of my country I have launched my own idea of what may help interrupt the process.

I am not any sort of "professional protest organizer" and won't even begin to be such a thing. However, I can no longer sit by and watch the "professionals" - no names mentioned but about any organized group of any size is who I mean - bicker and split hairs while Team Bush and the Neocon Cabal (remember, that's what they call themselves!) systematically destroy my country and ruin what is left of the world in which I have to live out my days.

We do not have time to organize a politically correct event in which the needs of 10,000 different sub-issues - my own cannabis relegalizaton included - are fit together in a way that pleases everybody. It's not going to happen, folks.

What I think people need to see for the time being is that Team Bush is the single biggest threat we all face and if we do not interrupt their plans to eliminate our freedoms to gather, to speak out, to dissent, there won't be ANY protesting anything.

Got it?

I have set up this blog in anticipation of actually getting some cooperation with my idea to have a huge number of people gather in Washington DC and stay for awhile.

As described in my first post, Team Bush has control of the TV and this has been the biggest challenge to all protest activities and intentions. The antiwar protests in 2003 and the RNC Protest in 2004 were large-scale and very successful...except they were minimalized and marginalized very successfully by the TV media talking heads.

Interrupting the control of the TV has to be one of the biggest prizes for those of us who want to take our country back from those who have utterly hijacked it.

So I assert it is both necessary and correct to have a large-scale ongoing protest presence inside the so-called "Washington DC Beltway". It has to be big and it has to last more than a week in order to begin to garner the attention of the US media. It's apparently not difficult to get the attention of foreign media, but as nice as that is, it does not get through to Joe and Betty Average American.

Americans have a dependency on the Television that is simply not healthy. Essentially, if something is not on TV (such a Team Bush and the GOP used Diebold machines and other tactics to steal the elections in 2000 and 2004) then it is just not "real". On the other hand, if it IS on TV then it is the gospel truth, as can be evidenced by the number of people who STILL believe that WMD's were found in Iraq and that still believe Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11.

Thus it is important to find a way to force the media to cover a protest event that lasts longer than a few hours. And thus I have stolen - unabashedly - Cindy Sheehan's Camp Casey model. Her protest was brilliant in it's simplicity and extremely successful. Yes, it generated a media circus and that's exactly what is needed to rouse TV-addicted Americans out of their hypnotic slumber.

A date needs to be set and ideas need to be generated as to how to support such an action as this. Thus this humble little blog for now.

If some big influential group - ANSWER, World can't wait, NION, etc - can make it work, so much the better. I'm not in this for fame or fortune. I'm 45 and in good health. I expect to live for some time and am appalled and terrified by what Team Bush is doing to the country in which I will have to live out my days.

So come on; put the bickering and hair-splitting aside and join me this spring or summer in Washington DC and let's make a stand against those who intend to snuff out what America has been.

Use the comment sections to add your ideas or perspectives and feel free to contact me so I can set up direct blogger access for those of you who are interested.



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