Camp Liberty

Those who make peaceful protest impossible make violent revolution inevitable.

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Location: The People's Revolutionary, Democracy of America

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Missions Accomplished

From Bill Gallagher's essay -
Welcome to Democracy Row
Just outside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
This is where our greatest freedoms
Once cherished -- now worn out, washed up and
Discarded like empty gin bottles -- have hit the skids.
There's Freedom of Speech
Curled up in a ball under a tattered American flag -- rocking
Silently back and forth.
Freedom of Expression is nearby trying to warm -- huddled under two T-shirts that read
"Support the Troops" and "2245 Dead How many more?"
Wiretapping walks by fresh from a party at the White House
Reeking of arrogance and undeserved superiority
He spits on Privacy and Privacy whimpers in despair.
Lies come running out like a pack of wild dogs
Tearing Truth to shreds.
Fear and Ignorance chase after them
Drunk with power
They kick dissent a few times
As they pass just for fun
The Liberties watch in disgust
Waiting for We the People to wake up.


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