Wakey-Wakey, My Fellow Americans
The Lone Star Iconoclast | March 9, 2006
And, speaking of Katrina and the criminally negligentCheney Bush Administration response, there's a giant march planned for March 14th
Nothing will change as long as our protests have a half-life of 20 minutes.
The polls have finally dropped to a 34% approval rating, or Bush’s core support group. Cheney’s approval is even lower.
At last, most Americans understand these guys are not to be trusted with our Nation’s security.
So, I ask you, America – Where is your outrage?
What more do you need to say “ENOUGH?”
These people stole our White House. They bastardized all four branches of our Government. They have done nothing for the People, not one thing the majority of the People have wanted.
If you haven’t read between the lines, then I’ll spell it out: I’m so damned pissed off I could chew nails!
You should be, too.
Don’t you dare roll over and hit that snooze button! Get your ass up – open your eyes.
America and the rest of Planet Earth can’t take another three years of Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rice, Rumsfeld and the rest! And they don’t deserve more time.
It has been 1,914 days since the Rehnquist Supreme Court allowed this illegal oligarchy overthrow of our Government. It’s high time we take it back.
Richard M. Nixon was tossed out of office for far less, and Spiro T. Agnew left the vice-presidency in disgrace over what amounted to a minor infraction compared to Cheney’s dishonorable, greedy, un-American activities.
Impeach the lot of the George W. Bush and Karl Rove Cabal.
And, speaking of Katrina and the criminally negligent
A march had been planned for February 28, the eve of the scheduled March 1 evictions of Hurricane Katrina victims. FEMA moved the evictions to March 15, so activists have moved the march to March 14. A press conference on Capitol Hill will be followed by a march through Washington, D.C., past FEMA, past the Department of Homeland Security, and to the White House, where a permit has been obtained to rally in Lafayette Square Park until midnight. If Bush does not meet the marchers' demands, however, many plan not to leave.And they shouldn't.
Nothing will change as long as our protests have a half-life of 20 minutes.

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